Nautical Bindings

Horizontal barrier.

The incredible variety of bindings from every culture and historical period presents a problem for the amateur bookbinder. For myself, the pleasure of skillfully binding a book in a style I know is surpassed only by the pleasure of discovering or figuring out a new style. The texts displayed here are my 2014 review, constructed in November and December of that year. They are constructed largely from recycled materials found at Oakland's Creative Reuse Depot (and the slight variation in the sizes of the three books is due mostly to my poor planning when cutting the cover material). I intend this set of books to be the start of a tradition at the end of each year in which I will use similar materials and bind one book in each style I know. The list grows ever longer.

(above) A Japanese Stab Binding with a cover decoration of an embroidered stopwatch. (Below in order) A coptic binding with four sewing stations and a cover decoration of an embroidered compass rose. A secret belgian binding with cover decoration of a stylized anchor.